TGIF! Week of August 17

Over halfway into the month of August, and I’m finally able to come up for air. While it’s pretty common to feel overwhelmed and discombobulated when the school year starts, trudging through the unknowns of online learning have turned our world upside down. It’s not the kids; it never is. It’s finding a rhythm.

TGIF! Week of July 27

The weeks don’t always simultaneously coincide with the end of a month, so it feels like closure today. Tomorrow begins a new and exciting month, as well as the month I most associate with school. I feel I am closing the chapter of summer, and beginning to wade into the waters of unknown learning.

TGIF! Week of July 20

Back to school is right around the corner, and while opinions abound, the fact is this: teachers in my district return July 30, students return August 6. Here’s to the last full week of summer 2020!


As a Monday aficionado, I’ve never been much of a “thank God it’s Friday” fan. In fact, Friday has always seemed to me as the day where I attempt to gather the broken pieces of a tired week. Mondays are fresh; a clean slate; new mercies.