So, friends, I’d love to hear – what are you trusting? For whom or what are you grateful? What’s inspiring you? How are you having fun?


So, friends, I’d love to hear – what are you trusting? For whom or what are you grateful? What’s inspiring you? How are you having fun?


So, friends, I’d love to hear – what are you trusting? For whom or what are you grateful? What’s inspiring you? How are you having fun?

What They Wish We Knew: #SOLSC21

I assigned this thinking I’d mostly read letters that would lead me to reply notes of encouragement. It turned out to have the opposite effect. It reminded me that our presence matters. Our attitude matters. Our sincere joy at engaging matters. I am COVID-life exhausted. I am COVID-life, pregnant-life exhausted. But I’m going to keep showing up because it matters.