Found Poetry || Abbott’s BS

Again, thank you to Teach Write Camp Counselors for the various ways to play with poetry. Although I’d previously heard of this as Blackout Poetry with newspapers and sharpies, I tried it out on my phone with news articles, screenshots, and Photo app features to do the same thing. I was originally going to share here the one I practiced in the session, but I read a disturbing article today that made me extremely angry, so I’m using it instead.

Original post I came across
Found poem

Link to The Guardian article

5 thoughts on “Found Poetry || Abbott’s BS

  1. Anita Ferreri says:

    Poetry was not ever part of my personal writing until I landed here at TWT’s many years ago. Since then, it has helped me process the sad, mundane, and happy days. Your poem in sad and profound in its depiction of man’s inhumanity to man.


  2. cvarsalona says:

    Britt, what is happening in the world is unworthy of humanity and you share that in your found poem. Great job! Thanks for sharing that incident with us. Happy poetry writing.


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