SOLSC23: Evolution of Taking Portraits

A couple of months before I turned 30 (February 2022) I made a “bucket list” of sorts, basically challenging myself to complete and check off my list within the year between 30 and 31. I thought I’d be able to write about all my adventures during SOLSC23, but…. I definitely didn’t even complete half of my list. And that’s being generous.

Anyway, one of the items was “take portraits” because I never really have? There’s an incredibly famous picture that every (of my) family household has from when my mom had portraits of me taken at 2 years old (see below).

Then I didn’t take portraits again until I was in high school.

My maternal grandmother takes portraits…and hands them out for her grandchildren to keep in their wallets (LOL). So, I thought, why not? I signed myself up for a session at JCPenney (and even Kyle was allowed to sneak in for one!).

I don’t regret it. In fact, I’ll probably do it again.. 35? 40? But I did share with my best friend just how awkward it was. Nothing about the session felt natural, and I didn’t really feel in my element. Whatever.

My 31st birthday fell on a Tuesday (Valentine’s Day). So, I proposed that my best friend and I pretend like we’re 16 again. We asked my mom if we could sleep over her house (with her there), and Kyle stayed home with the kids. I just wanted to gossip and annoy my mom and stay up late and eat wings like when Ana would sleepover in high school (same house, too).

And then my Ana surprised me with a photo shoot setup in my mom’s kitchen!!! She’d bought me a dress and boots, did my makeup, literally brought photoshoot things (?!) she’d borrowed from her sister, and soooo many balloons and confetti, as well as a Pinterest board with pose ideas!!! We had a blast!!! (Remember, we were “16”, no alcohol involved ☺️😏)

It was natural, and I felt in my element. What an amazingly outstanding and unforgettable 31st birthday!

6 thoughts on “SOLSC23: Evolution of Taking Portraits

  1. Leigh Anne Eck says:

    This is such a fun slice! My high school friends recreated our prom group picture 30 years later…complete with gowns! It was so much fun, and this reminded me of that. Thank you!

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