SOLSC24 || 11: Five Things

1. The rodent specialist stepped through the ceiling over the kitchen (I’m sure there’ll be more to the saga within this writing challenge…).

2. My four year old wakes up and chooses violence most days lately (not literally…well, usually, but the attitude is STRONG in him). When he does choose his words effectively and wisely instead of screaming and whining, we often say something along the lines of, “I really love the way you asked to ____ and included a please. Thank you for using kind words.” We were particularly proud this afternoon, though, when he started to say “I don’t like you!!” but – maybe because he’d just gotten in trouble for the same thing half an hour earlier – pivoted quickly to “I don’t like….the way you said that to me!” (Admittedly, unidentified parent did raise their voice.) Sometimes, modeling works very well and very immediately.

3. My two year old at bedtime: “Mommy, touch my feet. Moooooommmmmmyyyy *foot in my face* touch my feet!!” Tell me your love language is physical touch without telling me…..

4. I watched Barbie for the first time today… Thoughts before I share my own?

5. I also finally started reading this month’s book club novel, Nigeria Jones

4 thoughts on “SOLSC24 || 11: Five Things

  1. DontBotherOrtizMe says:

    What in heavens name happened that he stepped thru the ceiling? I liked the Barbie movie, watched it with my teens and my niece and it was great conversation. Probably have seen it three additional times outside of the theater. Children are our greatest joy, and I’m glad your 4yo is learning to use his emotion words, and that your 2 yo is so incredibly adorable.

    Thanks for sharing this glimpse into your life!


  2. Anna Maria says:

    I loved the Barbie movie. When I originally read the reviews I will admit I doubted the emotional punch they wrote about. But oh did it pack a punch.
    What in the world happened to make the ceiling do that?!


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