Things I hate that everyone else loves

I saw a social media post last week with this “prompt” and thought I’d write my own list at the risk of becoming hated by some of you…. I’m so sorry in advance!!

Pumpkin Spice

I just can’t do it. The smell, the taste, the obsession during the entire fall season.. I’ll admit that I finally tasted pumpkin bread last season, and I actually liked it. The drink? Absolutely not.

Mint chocolate

I don’t actually know whether “everybody” loves mint chocolate, but I can’t think of one person I know who hates it…nearly as much as I do. Just, gross.

Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler

If I hadn’t lost you with the pumpkin or the mint chocolate, I feel like this is it. Admittedly, “hate” is a strong word. I don’t know these two, so I can’t say I hate them. I do, though, hate just about any movie I’ve watched with either of them. Okay, fine, Ace Ventura was classic… Maybe something’s wrong with me, but I just can’t watch the stupid comedy these two are known for. (I was going to include Will Ferrell here, by the way.. decided against it what with the Christmas season and Elf and all that..)

The Office

I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.

Game of Thrones

This isn’t even fair because I’ve never watched one episode, LOL!! At this point, I’m only refusing to watch it because of people’s horrified reactions when I say I’ve never watched the show. The cult following is deep.

Again, I feel a need to apologize profusely if I’ve offended you. Do we have any of these in common? Or did you just add me to your list?

9 thoughts on “Things I hate that everyone else loves

  1. Erika says:

    I love this idea- number one and two I am neutral toward. Totally agree with you on the remaining three (although I do like (ish) the British version of The Office, not the US one). Don’t be sorry- you do you!


  2. Anna Maria says:

    I’ve attempted to watch The Office countless times only to turn it off five minutes later. I agree with you when it comes to the comedians too. Allow me to throw in Seth Rogen & Dane Cook too. Game of Thrones again I’ve tried to watch it, but I can’t. The only way I’ll eat mint chocolate is in ice cream form.


  3. mornagersho says:

    I did not add you to the list even though but I am ashamed to share that I liked just about everything on your list. I loved your share. Concise, to the point and very transparent. I hope we can still be friends?


  4. Terje says:

    I saw the examples of these lists on twitter. The items on your list made me shrug my shoulders. I do not care either way. (I could probably eat the chocolate even if it’s not on my top favourite taste). My list would include: 5 a.m. wake up and ice swimming.


  5. Glenda Funk says:

    Don’t feel badly. We all have faults. Now we know some of yours! 😉 That said, I can live a happy life w/out those three not funny comedians. I’m not into dumb, simplistic comedies. However, I love Game of Thrones but didn’t start watching it until we started planning our Ireland trip, so I was a late comer.


  6. arjeha says:

    How boring things would be if we all liked the same things. I have seen some of the movies you mentioned but didn’t get a laugh out of them. Mint chocolate and Game of Thrones though – I am a fan.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lainie Levin says:

    You have not offended me at all! People like what they like. I’m with you on some things, like the pumpkin spice (don’t hate, but wayyy overdone) and game of thrones (never watched). Here’s to more controversy (read: FUN) in 2024!

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