About 10 years ago, I was told I should consider taking my wisdom teeth out. I walked out of the dentist office (which, although uncommon, I love the dentist) and did not turn back to discuss that.

A few years ago, we sat in the office of an oral surgeon…. When he grazed over the possibility of dying and hitting nerves and tooth roots far down, I hightailed it out of the office and did not turn back to discuss that.

A couple years ago, the pandemic hit and although I’d been religious about my twice a year dentist visits, I was too scared of COVID and all that. I just simply do not discuss that.

A couple months ago, I visited with a new dentist (new insurance, closer to my house), and I was told again with a sense of urgency. They shared the x-rays and how my wisdom teeth are impacting the rest of my teeth. Well, I could no longer avoid discussing that.

About 12 hours from now, I’ll be walking into the dentist to have three of my wisdom teeth removed. I am genuinely terrified. Which is why I’ve been putting it off.

I apologize if I’m unable to make comments on Thursday. And I asked Kyle to consider guest blogging that day, too (LOL).

Happy 15 days into SOLSC23!!!

13 thoughts on “SOLSC23: SURGERY TODAY!

  1. mbhmaine says:

    Best of luck today! I totally understand your fear and suspect I’d feel the same way. I was just talking to my husband yesterday about how avoiding something seems to imbue it with much more menace or power. Your worries have had 10 years to simmer and grow! I expect you’ll be able to write a blog post soon about how relieved you are to have finally done this and how simple it was in the end. I’ll be thinking of you!


    1. evarkaplan says:

      You should feel proud of yourself for finally actually going through with it! My family has a ton of funny stories about how each of us acted right after surgery when you are in between a little drugged but awake! I predict some great slices! Good luck!


  2. kimhaynesjohnson says:

    Thoughts and prayers for you today. I had to have this done as an adult and while it is no fun, when I compare it to my C-sections it’s like smelling roses – far more peaceful. Splurge on the good yogurt! A big hug and a prayer. You’ve got this! (Confiscate all the recording devices from your children).


  3. Glenda Funk says:

    The most difficult part of having wisdom teeth removed is avoiding dry sockets, so follow doctors’ orders well. Techniques dentists use now are so much gentler than when I had my wisdom teeth removed. Try not to worry. Practice yoga and deep breathing. Good luck!


  4. Fran Haley says:

    YIKES, Britt – I hope it’s all over now and that the healing has already begun. Prayers for that. And as for that one surgeon… couldn’t he have had a better bedside manner?!


  5. Denise Krebs says:

    Britt, wow, that was quite a road to this new surgery. I pray all is going well, and that you are resting and finding relief. Your teeth will thank you later. There is a big difference in having surgery that leads to sweet babies, and this surgery where you lose your teeth. Hope you get to enjoy some ice cream.


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